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The past few months have been fullfull of God and therefore, I believe full of Satan trying to spoil God’s plans.  I spoke at several churches, had a chicken BBQ fundraiser and was supposed to be helping with an event called Missions At The Airport (MATA).

In April, I spoke to my 3-point charge.  A few days before I was supposed to speak, I became sick.  On the day that I was to talk at the churches, my throat was sore, nose was stuffy…all of that fun stuff.  The first church was a struggle–my throat was raw by the end–the kind of raw where your nose starts to drip and your eyes water when you talk–but I made it through the whole presentation.  Surprisingly, I made it through the next two presentations at the other churches without much difficulty. 

In July, I spoke at Doubling Gap COG.  A few days prior to speaking, I got this awful rash on my throat (maybe poison?) that not only looked bad, but would go through spurts of unbearable itching that only seemed to be soothed by an ice pack.  I spoke during their Sunday School class and a little during the service.  A week later (the rash was going away-but still visible), I spoke at Plainfield COG and came in contact with many people again.

August, I had a Chicken BBQ Fundraiser (THANK YOU TO ALL WHO CAME OUT). Again, the sore throat hit and I barely had a voice.

Fast forward to this week/weekend and again sickness has hit and MATA was cancelled due to the storm in NC where all the pilots are located.  They wanted the pilots to be home in case the families had to relocate.   

So what?, you may say.  Why are you babbling on about all this?  Well, I just want to point out that Satan tries to catch us in all kinds of snares.  All of these situations could have brought me down, but they haven’t.  They have fueled me.  Satan can try to quiet me and try to stop people from spreading God’s word, but God can handle it.  He can save us.  He fights for us and provides for us daily.

He gave me a voice and strength to continue speaking in all the circumstances.  Over 250 people have probably heard of the journey I will take with my team.  The rash on my neck was a reminder that appearance isn’t everything in this life and it knocked some pride out of me.  God can use any type of vessel to deliver his word.  My fundraiser was still a success!  $2,000 was raised to help cover some of my expenses.  (THANK YOU TO ALL WHO HELPED MAKE THAT POSSIBLE!!) MATA cancelled–guess what?  Fly ins still happened at the schools.  The JAARS pilots were able to talk and PRAY with the students–something they don’t normally get to do with fly ins.  Over 300 lives were still touched.  

Satan puts snares out to catch us.  I promise, God has your back even when you feel like you are going through a rough patch. 

But those who trust in the LORD will find new strength. They will soar high on wings like eagles. They will run and not grow weary. They will walk and not faint. Isaiah 40:31


4 responses to “Satan’s Snares”

  1. Kelly, God is with you. You are a great witness. Stay strong in the Lord. I just prayed for you and will continue to pray for you.

  2. Great to read your update. Sorry you won’t make it to Ukraine but we know it’s God’s plan and timing. So excited for you!!

  3. I know…especially after learning some Ukrainian words this summer! But yes, God knows where he needs us!