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My meter does not show it, but with donations that I know are coming in….I am FULLY FUNDED!!  If you have a reoccurring donation, you can stop it now.  I am beyond blessed for the support I have received! A HUGE THANKS TO EVERYONE FOR THEIR PRAYERS, DONATIONS, LOVE, AND SUPPORT!!! This is all becoming so real!  So excited to be the hands and feet of Christ in a whole new way in January! 


If anyone is still interested in donating to my cause, you can donate to me directly and I will use that money towards gear, vaccinations, and plane expenses that aren’t included in the $18,200. 


OR, order a t-shirt!  Today is the last day to order!!


Lastly, you can support me through my Chicken BBQ on August 18th.  Dinners are $9 and will be sold beginning at 10:30am at West Hill UMC.

Now all glory to God, who is able, through His mighty power at work within us, to accomplish infinitely more than we might ask or think. Ephesians 3:20

2 responses to “Fully Funded”

  1. Congratulations Kelly. You reaching your goal so early does not surprise me. You are not taking this mission trip lightly as I know you have prayed about it for some time. You have the love of God in your heart and are ready to share that love with so many people and with that love I am sure you will touch the hearts of many. We love you so much and will continue to be praying for you.