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Training camp is in about 24 days!  

What I’ve been doing to get ready:

–Purchasing Gear (and I still have some things left to buy!!! Time is ticking!)

–Training for the fitness test!  Alivia and I hiked Flat Rock the other Saturday.  I tested out my 65L bag.  The pack felt excellent.  It rubbed a little–I think I just need to build up some endurance.  I need to do a lot more with my pack in the next few weeks!  If anyone wants to assist in my training, let me know 😉

–Continuing meeting with my mentor.  We’ve been going through the “I Am” statements in John and figuring out how I can describe God in different cultures so that they understand him.

–Practice packing.  I need to do this.  I feel like I have so much stuff to pack…..I do love the challenge of packing and my family lets me pack the vehicle for vacation so I can squeeze all of our stuff in!

–Purchased my plane ticket to camp!!!  I’ll be going a day early to participate in a Storytelling workshop that focuses on photography and videography and much more!

–Participating in SQUAD WARS!  My team is S Squad.  Our color is green (yes, my favorite!).  And, we’ve come up with the team name of Sojourners.  We are currently in the lead and the challenge that we are currently on deals with the squad with the most blogs written in the next 2 weeks!  So, be prepared for more blogs! (Which is good, because I was slacking!!)

What I need to be more intentional about:

–Praying for my team and the world

–Getting into God’s word more and more deeply 

–Training with my pack

–Blogging more about what God is putting on my heart

–Keeping a Christ like attitude and positive attitude even during my frustrations

Thanks for taking time to read this!  Please leave a comment about how I can be praying for YOU!!



3 responses to “Gearing Up!”

  1. You’re amazing Kelly! I showed Allison your photos and read her a bit of your post. She said that you are a brave woman and I agree with her. Looking forward to reading more of your blogs and following you on your mission in both your blogs and with prayer.

  2. Will be excited to read more of your preparation blogs. Keep up all the good physical and spiritual work.

  3. The first thing she said to me today was, “I saw you and your backpack last night!” She is so sweet. Thank you!

    Thank you Joyce!