
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

Come to Africa!  We are overflowing with milk, honey, and TOILET PAPERYes, you heard right, toilet paper!  Ashley and I just stocked up the other day, but not because we were in panic mode, but because we really needed it!

The coronavirus is instilling fear.  Before the virus was identified in Rwanda, we were told not to hug, shake hands, or hold hands…all things that go against cultural norms here…all things that try to dim love.  People in Rwanda love to hug and show friendship and affection by holding hands and touching.  Even with the warning, I still hugged the people who I knew hadn’t traveled anywhere. 🙂 shhh….don’t tell!

Washing stations were placed at store fronts.  Hand sanitizers at church, government, and other entrances.  When the first case was confirmed, everything happened so fast.  No weddings (and if you know Africa—weddings are a BIG deal.  They sometimes boast 400 guests or more, and often family and friends from surrounding countries).  Large gatherings were banned.  Church has been cancelled for two weeks.  People are encouraged to work from home. And as Christians, how are we reacting?  Strong, courageous and ready for battle?!?

Finally, be strong in the Lord and in His mighty power.  Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.  For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms.  Therefore, put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.  Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace.  In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.  And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. Ephesians 6:10-18 NIV

Why are we stocking up on toilet paper and worldly things when our total preparedness comes from Christ?  Who are YOU putting your trust in?  Toilet paper that will run out in a few days, or God who is Alpha and Omega?  Does He not care about us more and see us more valuable than the birds of the sky and the flowers that come and go?

From what I’ve heard and seen, Rwanda isn’t as in full panic as the states.  As of Friday, we now have 17 confirmed cases, and social distancing and quarantine are in order.  Don’t get me wrong, we need to be doing safe practices.  However, at the same time, how are YOU reacting to the situation?  Are you anxious? Are you hiding behind a mask?  Are you letting satan steal, kill, and destroy your light and life? (The way we have been giving SO much attention to the virus…we are giving so much attention to satan…why!?)  As Christians we are still called to be life giving!!  To carry the presence of God with us…the LIGHT and PEACE that only He can give. (Start sharing about HIS GOODNESS!!) 

I know some short-term missionaries are pulling out…peace corps volunteers have been recalled.  I’m in this for the long haul.  I’m here to stay.  I’m not running from the coronavirus.  It’s actually probably safer for me to stay than go through infested airports…and it’s official that for the next 30 days no flights will be coming in or going out from Rwanda. But my trust is in God.  “God’s loyal love couldn’t have run out, his merciful love couldn’t have dried up.  They’re created new every morning.  How great your faithfulness!  I’m sticking with God (I say it over and over).  He’s all I’ve got left.”  Lamentations 3:22-24 MSG    


Do you remember in your childhood singing “This Little Light of Mine?”  The other day Ash and I came up with a remake of it… We hope you will enjoy our rendition:)  We came up with the lyrics because we are TIRED of seeing and feeling the fear around us.  We still have SOOO many opportunities to be lights during this time… don’t let corona blow it out!!  


The opposite of fear is faith, and we need to be fighting in that.  Through prayer, through worship, through praise.  I pray that you see this time as an awakening…an awakening to how much we should be putting our trust in the Lord and not the world.  Jobs, entertainment, sports, possessions… people have been forced to put down some of these idols and instead spend time with families and learn how to love again (yay God!).  People have been encouraged to check on neighbors and the elderly and show them love (yay God!).  I pray this is an awakening to truly FOLLOW Christ in every situation, in every friend group, in every season of life…that you wouldn’t just be a fan of him when and where you feel like it.  That’s not surrender.  That’s not true love.  It’s time to put Jesus on the throne and take yourself off. Let the word of God–the truth– set you free from fears and anxieties and give you the total preparedness that you need. Amen!


Feel free to leave some comments with the GOODNESS that you’ve been witnessing, receiving, or giving!

24 responses to “T.P. = Total Preparedness, Not Toilet Paper!”

  1. You two are pretty special! Thank you for sharing some great insights! Will pass them along to the folks in the GAP!
    Be safe! Be Bold!
    Be Strong!

  2. You go girls!!
    I love it!..and the guitarist!
    And yes trust and pray to our God …..and all God’s people said. AMEN!!

  3. Boy I love the truth you write about. We certainly should be looking up to the Lord instead of the things of the world. Love you. Stay safe.

  4. Kell! I love you so much and really enjoyed that video. Continue to let your light shine over there love ??

  5. Kelly I loved this!! When this all started, I decided yes I would take precautions but put my faith in God to get me through it! Several of churches in the area got the Cumberland drive-in at Newville to open Sunday morning so we can her the word on our car radio! Satin is not going to stop His word from being preached!! I LOVE the song!!!

  6. Hi Kelly 😉 this was a perfect way to start my day. Your faith really shines through! Thank you for the much needed reminder! God Bless, stay safe, prayers for you and all of your friends.

  7. Thank you for your inspiring message. It is so true, it helps to remind us to keep our perspective on any situation. Thanks you and your friend, for spreading the word.

  8. Thanks Kelly for that wonderful message and song. Since church is closed this was a great lesson to read. Love your posts. God Bless and stay safe.

  9. Thanks for reading. So glad that God can speak even through writing and songs:) Tell everyone hello!

  10. I love that the churches in the area gathered at the drive ins! Such a great idea! God will always find a way. Love you!

  11. I still remember when I graduated from school when you gave me that book that I could look up scriptures for basically any situation. It is definitely so rewarding to be surrounded by His truth in all situations.
    Glad you are able to have a bit more family time and reconnect with others! 🙂

  12. Lord is with us Kelly,,that’s very interesting and inspiring.we will be delivered from this very soon

  13. Kelly, thank you for wonderful reflection. It’s reassuring to read God’s word, particularly in times of such uncertainty. Bob and I have been enjoying extra time with Zeke, and we’ve talked with many people online and over the phone that we haven’t connected with in quite some time. There are blessings to be counted!