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Day 8 (Caminha to A Guarda) Ferry plus 5km

Slept in


Spent the day with the guys


Rode a ferry into España (Spain)!


Walking through the forest and looking at the roots… I was reminded of how we are to be rooted in Christ.  The root systems were long and the roots were thick. That’s how I want my roots to look. They led to a tree that had a thick trunk, was tall, had branches, and was bearing “fruit and seeds” (pine cones and acorns).  What great imagery for what we should look like as Christians!


Albergue host shared chocolate with me before bed


What God Had Me Work Through Today:

Failed communication:we asked last night if we could stay at the albergue until close to two when we had to catch the ferry.  The guy said yes. This morning when the cleaning lady came at 10am, she was not happy, called someone and we had to leave. We ended up going to a cute coffee shop and I was able to taste the dessert that everyone says is a must in Portugal. 


Day 9 (A guarda to Mougas) 19.6km


Misty day but God held the rain off most of the day. 


Ash and I had lots of deep conversations about life.


Most stores were closed today because of All Saints day.  We didn’t find a shop along our route to the albergue.  We have “emergency” food packed.  The albergue host decided to open the cafe next door, make us food, and not charge us! We left a donation. 


Watched the waves crash… 


Saw the sun set over the ocean


Wow! God’s beauty was BEAMING today in so many ways. 


What God Had Me Work Through Today:

My WitnessIt can be strengthened or compromised by those around me.

New me:I’m not who I was when I left for the race. God has grown me and shaped me. He’s making something beautiful out of me. 


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