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Valuable, Valued, Valiant
Strength of mind or spirit that enables a person to encounter danger with firmness; personal bravery  

United States–The Journey Begins!

My team for the last four months has been beautiful.  When we first were matched at training camp, we felt like we were a bunch of misfits placed together.  We literally had a night where everyone confessed how much they felt they didn’t belong and we didn’t connect.  I sat there quietly.  I was on the opposite side of the spectrum. 



When leadership was trying to figure out teams, we did a lot of team building activities to see how people work, think, and take on leadership.  I was switched around a lot and was never with a consistent group of people.  I felt insecure about myself….I didn’t fit in.


When I landed with this group of people for my team–I was relieved, happy, overjoyed.  I immediately felt like I belonged…the opposite of what everyone else was feeling.  After we all talked and let out all of our emotions and thoughts, everyone felt a lot better and we were ready to do life together. 


And let me tell you….this team is a beautiful story.  We built a wonderful community.  We give tough feedback.  We strive for higher standards.  But most importantly, Christ is our rock at our center: our firm foundation—and that is our common denominator.  


It’s sad to say goodbye.  But, as you can tell, we had a lot of good times.  And these ladies I will always call my sisters.  I will forever cherish you.  

Nepal–Final Debrief

In Ecuador we played this game called Red Flags: a game where you try to make an ideal date with cards that have good characteristics–but then someone throws in a wrench or red flag.  (What else do you play when you are single, signed a contact to stay single for the race, and want to have a little girl fun?)

Anyway, we put these together as a team for our last hoorah, so I hope you enjoy our fun recap of ourselves! πŸ™‚   


Fiercely loyal and committed whether that is to a cause, an event or YOU!

Always down for an adventure no matter how spontaneous, or random.  Take Kristen with you because she will make it enjoyable!

Always optimistic-She sees the good in everything and/or laughs at the not so good. 

Our fearless leader who demanded more, showed immeasurable compassion, and is my sister (just look at us πŸ˜‰ )

RED FLAG: Hide you kids, hide yo pets because if they’re cute, she could literally squeeze them to death (Beware!). 



Super intelligent and well traveled!

Strong: she can hold her own

Feeds off the source of life (JESUS) which leads her to be so driven and accomplished in life

Divine hair stylist, but even better friend in the time of need

 RED FLAG: She has no idea what she is going to be when she grows up



Was born to preach

RADIATES joy in all she does

Loves ALL creation so well

We conquered the 3 year old classroom in Peru with unending love

RED FLAG: Will try to cuddle all the animals no matter how many fleas they have or how dirty they are.  



Loves all tiny humans

Always full of joy

Can make fun sounds from all parts of her body in all situations

One of the first people I met in the airport on my way to training camp…and a connection that cannot be explained, but also can’t be broken <3

RED FLAG: Can be tickled from 10 feet away



Has the voice of an angel

Makes the best sound effects while playing volleyball (or excitement in life!)

She finds the good in any situation

Is my bestie with singing campfire/church camp songs, hymns, and old Christian music πŸ™‚

RED FLAG: She sets alarms all throughout the day to help with her time management



The best bear hugs ever (maybe even better than Michael!)

Instrument prodigy

As faithful as a golden retriever (hah!)

A friend who challenges my thinking and deepens my relationship with Christ

RED FLAG: She calls all animals “no” (cause that’s her response when they come up to her!)


Will help you in any way you need it

Has the best hugs when you’re feeling sad

Is a master listener

RED FLAG: Will wake up at 5am to clean the stovetop


Team Valor—we out!!!

Best of luck to all of you on your new teams!  Keep thriving!


And with that…say hello to my new team!  


(More info to come!)




5 responses to “Letting Go Of Valor”

  1. What an awesome write-up. I am sure you will be friends forever. Yes, you and Kristen look like sisters. Everytime Grandma saw her picture she would say “there’s Kelly” and I would have to say no, here is Kelly. Take care, love you.

  2. Nice tribute to a great team! Connected for life in only a way that comes from serving the Lord in community! Looking forward to seeing how The Holy Spirit connects the new team!

  3. Usually team changes happen part way through the race–and this is our changing point! It helps rearrange dynamics.