
Explore My News,
Thoughts & Inspiration

I’ve been running since lockdown ended.  Nature is where I find God the most, and unfortunately, when you are in a city, there isn’t much green space.  So, I’ve been finding the beauty in the birds singing outside my window, the flowers, but most of all the sky: specifically sunrises.  Every morning is just a bit different.  Every morning shows just how creative God is. 

One day last week I was running…not even 3 minutes into it, my foot caught on who knows what (I run on dirt roads that are very rocky and bumpy) and down I went.  However, I didn’t stay down.  I bounced back up, dusted myself off, inspected my scrapes and looked around.  Thank goodness there was NO ONE to see it!  Ha! That’s very unusual.  The road that it happened on is one of the main roads up to the tar road.

I could have got back up, cried over what happened, turned around, given up, and went home.  But, no.  I started running again. 

What a beautiful picture of life and our relationship with God.  Sometimes we are running so hard with God and every movement is good.  It seems effortless.  And then, out of nowhere, you get snagged. You get hung up on something.  You misstep.  Maybe it’s something small. Maybe it’s something big.  Then you stumble.  Sometimes you even fall down.  Sometimes, it’s a graceful fall.  Sometimes a hard one.

People might not know/see that you’ve fallen.  But God sees all and knows all.  He sees the scrapes, bumps, and bruises.  And like any good Father, he encourages you to pick yourself back up, dust off what’s been done, and keep going.

This season of life is not what any of us have expected.  There has been a loss of control.  Heartaches.  A lot of grief in many forms.  But I want to encourage you to find the beauty in each and every day.  Turn your eyes upon Jesus so you won’t grow weary and faint.   

Turn your eyes upon Jesus

Look full in His wonderful face

And the things of earth will grow strangely dim

In the light of His glory and grace 

10 responses to “We Fall Down”

  1. Thanks for sharing the jogging incident. Such a vivid picture of what we are to do as followers, as disciples of Jesus; when we fall, get back up, dust ourselves off (confess our sin) and start moving forward…with our eyes fixed on the Author and Perfector of our faith! Blessed to call you sister!

  2. Beautiful sunrise pictures, friend! I like your running story. God has been highlighting Psalm 37 for me and recently pointed out verse 23-24 where it says He DELIGHTS in my way and that if I fall I won’t be hurled headlong because he holds my hand. So cool to think of Him delighting in me and keeping me steady as I walk my path. It sounds like that’s exactly what He’s doing for you on those rutted Rwandan roads!!

  3. How true it is….,beauty all around. Each day is a blessing to awake and each night to give thanks. Love the sky pics.
    Everything is Beautiful!!

  4. Amen!! Thank you Ellen!! I was just reading a devotion today about a Father catching his kid when learning to ride a bike. All perfect imagery of how He is always looking out for us!